Realtor Phone Answering Service

Turn the key to Business Success
with HiLivePro

Live Call Answering for Real Estate Agents and Brokers


Real Estate is a business that requires tenacity, attention to detail, and a drive to succeed. Realtors often face the issue of how to manage communications in a timely and cost effective way without sacrificing quality. Potential buyers and leasers are simultaneously making financial and emotional decisions, and you need your front end business needs handled accordingly.

Real Estate agents and brokers have found HiLivePro's realtor phone answering service to be a great solution to this common problem. Because we understand the needs of professionals in this industry, we have solutions that work well for you. Communication and business process outsourcing with HiLivePro can help you ensure that all of your communication, plus your front-end business needs are handled in a professional, cost effective manner.

"The services we receive are answering calls; screening calls and directing to the right person or department; reviewing and suggesting process changes that further improve the caller’s experience; answering general questions about the MIA and/or connect the call to the requested party; customize the operator and call-handling services based on training from the MIA personnel; and has the ability to forward incoming calls to MIA’s voicemail system as requested and after-hours operations switched back to MIA voicemail system. The number one key advantage is cost savings. The MIA employed a receptionist to answer calls paying 25% of their salary in benefits!"

Maryland Insurance Administration

First Impressions Matter

Think of how hard you work preparing to show a home.  Why go to all this trouble? First impressions matter.  With HiLivePro you will make a great first impression on every customer from the moment they first call on the phone and hear a friendly "Hello".

Use it like a pro

The market has had its ups and downs, but the quality and image of your business doesn't have to resemble the unpredictable real estate business. We can provide call answering, call forwarding, instant call notes, and even custom services for a reasonable price. When you choose HiLivePro's realtor phone answering service you receive all the support of our company and retain all of your entrepreneurial autonomy.

The HiLivePro team not only supports your business but acts as a part of your staff. You decide how your calls and general business communication will be handled and since you can pick and choose the pieces of your custom package, you decide how much you pay. That’s the beauty of HiLivePro! We will never force your business into a cookie cutter package, but will work with you to help you grow in the real estate field.

While your diligent advertising skills have brought calls from numerous potential buyers or leasers, they’ve also lead to an abundance of solicitations. Solicitors may create a bottleneck for calls, preventing you from receiving profitable inquiries. HiLivePro will screen calls according to your instructions and ensure you receive only the calls you want, when you want them. We can also use information you’ve given us to answer basic queries, access a shared database to give property information to callers, and more.

Realtor Phone Answering Service

Don't miss new leads just because you miss a call!

  • Live Answer Phone Service

  • Call Forwarding for Listing Agents

  • Web Chat

  • Voicemail Transcription and Notification

  • CRM Data Entry

More than just phones...

Have HiLivePro sort out solicitors, capture lead information and import directly into your CRM or Excel document, schedule meetings and appointments, and even direct calls to the appropriate listing agents!

Time Tested

We understand the needs of professionals in this industry and we have solutions that are proven to work realtors, brokers, and agents. For over 10 years HiLivePro has been helping brokers through our realtor phone answering service.

Contact Us


300 E. Lombard St. Suite 840

Baltimore, MD 21202